Guide to Employment in USA

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flag USA Public Holiday

  • New Year's Day

    01 Jan

  • Confederate Heroes' Day

    19 Jan

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    20 Jan

  • Presidents Day

    17 Feb

Exchange Rate

February 17, 16:32 UTC



Minimum Wages

  • Federal statutory minimum hourly wage: approximately $7.25 USD (CNY48.45)

    Each state has a state minimum hourly wage, such as
    California: $15.50 per hour,

    New York: $14.20 per hour.

    Florida: $11.00 per hour

    Michigan: $9.87 per hour.

    North Carolina, $7.25 per hour

    Texas, $7.25 per hour

Median Salary


University graduates first year: 52,600 USD (375,724 RMB)

General professional with 5 years of experience: $92,452 (673,485 RMB)

General professionals with 10 years of experience: $115,888 (844,209 RMB) Annual growth rate of remuneration: 3% - 5%

University Graduates
First Year
5 years
Of Experience
10 years
Of Experience

Annual Salary Growth

3% - 5%


Current contribution rates

Social security (OASDI) 6.2% Contributions to the annual salary ceiling of $168,600 6.2% Contributions to the annual salary ceiling of $168,600 ALL
Medical insurance (Medicare) 1.45% - 1.45% - ALL
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA): 0.6% of wages, up to the FUTA wage base of paying it on the first $7,000 of wages paid in 2023. $7,000 x 6% = $420 Contribution to annual salary ceiling of 160,200 0.6% of wages, up to the FUTA wage base of paying it on the first $7,000 of wages paid in 2023. $7,000 x 6% = $420 ALL


Depend on state below are the most common

  • Unemployment insurance (SUI)

    Employer contribution: Tax-rated employers pay a percentage of the first $7,000 of wages paid to each employee in a calendar year. The UI rate schedule and amount of taxable wages are determined annually. New employers pay 3.4 percent (.034) for a period of two to three years. The employer is responsible for paying the entire UI tax.

  • Workers' compensation Insurance: (Mandatory for most employers in all states but Texas)

    Texas Workers' compensation insurance is not mandatory, but employers are still liable for work-related injuries and illnesses.

  • Disability Insurance (SDI)

    Employer contribution: The employer is responsible for paying half of the SDI tax, and the employee is responsible for paying the other half. The SDI tax rate is 1.1 percent of all wages up to the SDI taxable wage limit of $128,298 for 2024.

    Employee contribution: Employees pay half of the SDI tax, which is 0.55 percent of all wages up to the SDI taxable wage limit of $128,298 for 2024.

  • Other allowances

    Health Dental Vision Insurance Contribution/ Allowance

    Retirement plans 401k/ Roth IRA (1-4% Employer Match)

    Transportation Mileage Reimbursement / Car allowance (Workers who travel for work)

    Cell Phone/ Internet Allowance (remote workers)


U.S. citizens and residents: U.S. citizens and residents are required to file U.S. tax returns regardless of where they live or where their income comes from.

Income Tax

0 - $23,200 10%
$23,201 - $94,300 12%
$94,301 - $201,050 22%
$201,051 - $531,900 24%
$531,901 - $1,063,800 32%
$1,063,801 - $2,127,600 35%
Over $2,127,600 37%

Non-residents: Non-residents are subject to a flat 30% tax rate on most types of U.S. source income, unless a lower rate is provided by a tax treaty.



up to

40 Weekly hours

No federal law sets a universal standard for working hours. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)Which applies to non-exempt employees Statutory Hours common practice is working more 40 hours in a 7-day workweek

Typical Practice

40 work week hours

8 hours work day, 5 days a week



Unless exempt, employees in the United States are entitled to overtime pay for working more than 40 hours per week.

Overtime pay: at least 1.5 times the employee's regular rate of pay.

Daily Overtime: After 8 hours in a workday 1.5 times regular pay,

Weekly Overtime: After 40 hours in a workweek 1.5 times regular pa

Double Overtime: After 12 hours in a workday and for all hours worked on the seventh consecutive day in a workweek 2 times regular pay,


Employment Contract

Most common Contract type is at-will employment contract is an agreement between an employer and an employee in which either party can terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason or no reason at all.

  • At-will employment
  • Fixed-term employment
  • Independent contractor agreement
  • Commission-only agreements
  • Piecework agreements


There is no federal law that requires employers to provide notice to employees before terminating their employment. Common Practice: two weeks' notice

1-2 years: 1-2 weeks of pay per year of service.

3-5 years: 2-3 weeks of pay per year of service.

6-10 years: 3-4 weeks of pay per year of service.

11+ years: 4+ weeks of pay per year of service.


Paid Public Holidays


Every year

11 Federal Public Holiday days every year.

Additionally, many states and localities observe additional holidays that are not recognized at the federal level. When a public holiday falls on a non-working day, there is a day observed.

If employees work on a public holiday, they should be paid additional wages or given time off in lieu.

  • New Year's Day (January 1).
    Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Third Monday in January).
    Washington's Birthday (Third Monday in February).
    Memorial Day (Last Monday in May).
    Juneteenth (June 19).
    Independence Day (July 4).
    Labor Day (First Monday in September).
    Columbus Day (Second Monday in October).
    Veterans Day (November 11).
    Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday in November).
    Christmas Day (December 25).


Annual Leave

Paid Sick Leave (PSL)

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Federal Employees Parental Leave Act (FEPLA):

Paternity Leave

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA):

Annual Leave

Minimum 7 days, up to 14 days after each completed year. Working days? Vacation Days & 4 days can carry over onto next year if not used
After 3 months of employment.

Paid Sick Leave (PSL) No federal Law but by State in California

24 hours or 3 days per year for both part-time and full-time employees

Employees also accrue at least one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked.
After 90-days employment period.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) 12 weeks of unpaid Job-protected leave for the birth, adoption, or placement of a child, or to care for a sick family member.


After 1 year employment

Should also have 1,250 hours for the employer during the 12-month period.
Federal Employees Parental Leave Act (FEPLA): 2 weeks of paid parental leave Leave for the birth, adoption, or placement of a child for any parent including surrogacy.

Eligibility Federal employee: Be a civilian employee of the federal government.
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA): <Up to 5 years

Ensures reemployment rights for service members who have been absent for military service for up to five years.

Prohibits employers from discriminating against employees based on their military service.

Requires employers to provide employees with up to 15 days of paid leave each year for military training or duty.

Provides service members with certain benefits, such as health insurance continuation and pension accrual, while they are on active duty.
People serving in the military or reserve, who are called duty, deployment, or training.


Labor Cost Calculator

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USA Public Holiday 2025

  • New Year's Day

    01 Jan

  • Confederate Heroes' Day

    19 Jan

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    20 Jan

  • Presidents Day

    17 Feb

  • Texas Independence Day

    02 Mar

  • Town Meeting Day

    04 Mar

  • Mardi Gras

    04 Mar - 05 Mar

  • Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day

    26 Mar

  • Seward's Day

    31 Mar

  • César Chávez Day

    01 Apr

  • Emancipation Day

    16 Apr

  • Good Friday

    18 Apr

  • San Jacinto Day

    21 Apr

  • Arbor Day

    25 Apr

  • Confederate Memorial Day

    28 Apr

  • Truman Day

    08 May

  • Confederate Memorial Day

    09 May

  • Memorial Day

    26 May

  • Jefferson Davis' Birthday

    02 Jun

  • King Kamehameha Day

    11 Jun

  • Juneteenth

    19 Jun

  • West Virginia Day

    20 Jun

  • Independence Day

    04 Jul

  • Pioneer Day

    24 Jul

  • Victory Day

    11 Aug

  • Hawaii Statehood Day

    15 Aug - 16 Aug

  • Bennington Battle Day

    15 Aug

  • Lyndon Baines Johnson Day

    27 Aug

  • Labor Day

    01 Sep

  • Frances Xavier Cabrini Day

    06 Oct

  • Columbus Day

    13 Oct

  • Alaska Day

    17 Oct

  • Election Day

    04 Nov

  • Veterans Day

    11 Nov

  • Thanksgiving Day

    27 Nov

  • Day After Thanksgiving

    28 Nov

  • Rosa Parks Day

    01 Dec